
An open letter to all progressive organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Greetings from Re-Imagining Social Work (RSW) a collective of social workers, social work academics, researchers and others who share a passion for, and a commitment to the development of modern, progressive, inclusive, democratic, and culturally responsive social work services in Aotearoa New Zealand.


The CYF Review, the Commissioner for Children and the skills and expertise of social workers

Following Anne Tolley’s (Minister of Social Development) announcement last week of the formation of an ‘independent expert panel’ to review Child, Youth and Family (CYF), there has been an avalanche of responses on social media. Having read and reflected on this material I found myself wondering, as a social work educator, what it is that front line social workers in CYF actually need to complete their job in a competent, timely and safe manner?