A guest post by John Darroch, PhD Candidate, University of Auckland
Over the past week or so there have been a few blog posts on this site focusing on what the new Labour government means for social work in Aotearoa New Zealand. The general view of the authors seems to be that things are looking up, but that we will have to remain critical, and active, in order to push this government in the right direction.
In this post I intend to look more specifically at how the profession should position itself, and what we can do to maximise our impact. While the new government may have noble intentions there is no guarantee that this will always translate into sound social policy. There will be a range of competing interest groups, holding varying ideological beliefs, which will be working to influence this government when it comes to social policy. In particular this post aims to inspire individuals to think about how they can increase their effectiveness, and make their voice count.
Our profession may be cognisant of the limitations of policy which is rooted in individualistic understandings of crime, or poverty, but there is no guarantee that new ministers will share this understanding. This is where professional bodies, academics, and motivated social workers need to step up. As a profession we need to be talking to the new government. This means going beyond policy submissions (though these are very important). It means building the kinds of relationships where you can email an MP about some new research, or with a social work informed opinion about a breaking story. We need to actively position ourselves so that our expertise and insight is utilised. As individuals, and organisations, there are many things we can do to ensure this happens.
Practically this may mean reaching out to MPs when they comment on an issue that you have expertise or interest in. The next step is to deliberately attend meetings or events in order to meet individual MPs or Ministers. Twitter and email provide a solid means to communicate with politicians and should not be underestimated. It will obviously be harder to build connections with new ministers because of their new responsibilities and need to maintain message control. That said Aotearoa New Zealand is a small country and my experience is that our politicians are very open to pragmatic communication.
As a profession we simultaneously need to be able to clearly and decisively respond when the government goes astray. This does not necessarily mean being antagonistic. But it does mean clearly pointing out when the government has got it wrong, and what it should be doing instead. This means learning how to use the media. It also means being able to respond quickly, and having the ability to frame our message in a way which is palatable to politicians and to the public.
We can also use this new government’s commitment to building a better Aotearoa New Zealand to highlight the cases where the systems are failing. Rather than papering over the cracks we can draw attention to these chasms with the hope (and expectation) that changes will be made. Drawing attention to broken systems could provide them with the impetus and public support needed to bring about substantial and lasting changes. If the government doesn’t take action to rectify the failings we are aware of then we can demand action be taken. We can aspire to be a force which actively guides the government in the right direction.
There are going to be many voices pulling this government in different directions. The social work voice needs to come through clearly. We cannot wait until this government makes mistakes to speak out, we must act proactively. We need to work to make sure that as individuals, and as a profession, we maximise the impact we can have.
Image credit: John Darroch
5 replies on “How can we steer this government towards a more just Aotearoa?”
Already doing
There is a lack of Maori + Pasifika social workers articulating + advocating at policy level
Yet,we are over represented in prisons + children in care
Working front line with poverty + deprivation means politicians are more likely to listen. But it is a struggle + stretching, so there has to be passion + commitment
Absolutely! I should have said explicitly that there are a hell of a lot of people out there working on these exact points.
Thanks for the reminder.
Well said. If not me, who? If not now, when?
Kia ora e hoa mā. Kei te tautoko te kaupapa. We are facing 33 years of neoliberal government. Both major political parties sustained the attack on Kiwis. The people have been both marginalised and punish because of their situations of Poverty. As we all know it will be very difficult to change the directions of destruction by the various bureaucracies. Already people who are part of the problem, namely punishing the poor: think that they do the best job and nothing needs to change. So the directives to deny, to sanction and be very suspicious of the person seeking assistance is writ large. Coupled with this is a very powerful Union who will refuse to see the necessity for rapid and comprehensive change. As I read it, we are not even at the table. We are vulnerable to a Working Party like Rebstock’s. However I for one will stand with our sisters and brothers who are despised and punished simply because they receive minimal State support. We need a Rights based system . Not a needs based clawbacks. No entitlement based rather you get this Social Security because you are a human person and it is your right to participate in your community and your society and country. Nō Reira Ngā mihi ki a koutou. Nāku noa Nā David Tolich Tararā Kai Rangahau Researcher Kai Mataara Watchperson Kaikorikori Animator Activist. It is time to reclaim our Tino Rangatiratanga Sovereignty and our Mana Motuhake Self Determination. Yes it may sound funny but we have come to get our money back!!!
A key to creating a better New Zealand for ALL residents is to start by calling out this type of BS as “not OK”. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12055731 (Act leader accused of prejudice after warning Epsom residents about future neighbours with ‘mental health issues’ ) Making an example of this fellow would be a good start- ie legal action against him by HNZ on behalf of their tenants. Sue the b****r for a lot of money- or bring sedition charges against him!
New Zealand communities have a terrible problem with this type of behavior. Too often vulnerable residents are told to “suck it up” and “move on” from the experience. This is not OK.